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Moda center
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Moda Center from above

Moda Center is the first arena to receive LEED O+M (v4.1) Platinum Certification, a major milestone in the greening of sports. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the most widely used green building rating system in the world. Available for virtually all building and community and home project types, LEED provides a framework to create healthy, highly efficient and cost-saving green buildings. LEED certification is a globally recognized symbol of sustainability achievement.

The Platinum certification, awarded to Moda Center by the USGreen Building Council (USGBC), identifies and rewards best practices for a building’s energy, water, waste, transportation and human experience.

“Moda Center has been a leader in sustainability within our league and across the sports and entertainment industry,” said Erin Schnieders, NBA Head of Arena Development & Standards. “Since their initial certification almost a decade ago to now achieving the highest level of accreditation, they have demonstrated a continued commitment to maintaining a healthy and safe space while reducing their environmental impact.”

Moda Center has shown that they are leaders with their continued commitment to sustainable resources and renewable energy. This is demonstrated through strong partnerships with companies sharing similar goals, including DeSantis Landscapes. Food waste in the building is turned into soil that DeSantis Landscapes uses throughout the Rose Quarter campus, contributing to the 1 million pounds of material diverted from landfills annually. The Moda Center Environmental Services crew post-sorts after every event, going through the items of every bag of waste and properly sorting materials into the appropriate streams.

“On behalf of the Green Sports Alliance and RWDI, I want to congratulate Moda Center for achieving LEED Platinum,” said Elaine Aye,Associate/Regional Manager at RWDI and board member of the Green SportsAlliance. “Achieving a high level of performance for an existing sports venue can be challenging at best, and the Moda Center team continues to improve their environmental footprint. They understand that sustainability is a journey and are a leading example in the sports industry by effectively focusing on best operational and management practices.”

Moda Center continues to drive programs to protect the environment and reduce environmental impact with a focus on five impact categories:

Waste – Responsibly manage our supply chain and waste stream through environmentally conscious purchasing, recycling, composting, food waste diversion with the help of local nonprofits, and much more. We have partnered with ServiceMaster Building Services and implemented the Capture and Removal Clean system to provide detergent-free cleaning products acknowledged by the FDA, providing our guests and staff with cleaner, healthier workspaces. All products at concession stands are recyclable or compostable.

Water – Use of low-flow toilets and fixtures, smart irrigation & controls, and drought-resistant landscaping, as well as the purchase of Water Restoration Certificates to offset all water use at Moda.

Energy – The Moda Center is a carbon neutral arena. We offset 100% of electricity and natural gas use. We purchase carbon offsets for natural gas usage through Bonneville EnvironmentalFoundation and partnered with Pacific Power and BayWa r.e. to purchase renewable energy credits through the Blue Sky Select Program to offset electricity usage. We also continue to reduce our total energy use through building and equipment upgrades to more efficient systems.

Food – Partnership with Levy Restaurants and local food vendors to prioritize local, organic, hormone free food at Moda Center. We have teamed up with Urban Gleaners to make sure excess food from Moda Center goes to local children and families to alleviate hunger.

Transportation – Support responsible transportation for staff and fans by installing EV charging stations and supporting public transportation and biking or walking to work and games.

For more information, visit our Live Greener page.

What to know Before you go

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